Thursday, May 14, 2020

Personal progress in ReUse Inc

Since in ReUse Inc we are talking about personal progress and efficient time use, all your progress and work must be saved and clarified.

Once it is done and maintained – no one can argue with your efforts and participation in project.

Moreover, all data is supported with advertisement platform, so you generate some amount of value just by reporting your progress and documenting your work.

That’s why every participant is provided with ads included personal blog, where he tracks all his efforts or discuss some details with external community.

All stats data are as usual shared and available and revenues from every sources are collected to the common total value pool and distributed between every contributers.

The history of your progress is stored also in order to track the progress and plan everything efficiently.

Hall of Fame in ReUse Inc

Since every collaborative effort in ReUse Inc is important, every participant is added to the special Hall of Fame along with their personal progress blogs and stats for the history and probably next generations.

This is a symbol of contribution of every employee and its reputation mark.

These details are stored in duplicated formats and will be available for your job resume or CV for example.

Moreover all your progress and contribution is saved in documentation and archives, so you can use it as your portfolio or qualification prove.

Ecosystem of ReUse Inc

So in ReUse Inc there are no offices or HQ sites, that’s why we will need some sort of ecosystem to coordinate and plan activities.

Just in the beginning we don’t have any investments and external resources, so let’s get to the basics.

Every applied volunteer or contributor as well as project will have a special blog, where he will report all his progress and describe results.

Along with that there will be an advertisement platform attached to every blog, so any activities by default will generate a tiny amount of value from advertisement that will get into the total value pool.

Moreover all documentation sites will get ads attached to it.

All the ads revenue will get to the total value pool and then will be shared between all participants.

Since every platform may not be stable enough, then a multi-platform resources will be required with duplicating data on progress and stats – we will use Google docs and apps services, Microsoft development services / tools, probably Amazon and others at the same time.

Sources of value for ReUse Inc

In general ReUse Inc is just a non-profit structure, focused mainly in training of employees qualifications. But in order to grow and involve high qualified participants there is a need for some real values income.

So in ReUse Inc what are the base sources of value, that we are going to convert our products to ?

Basically it is every point where we can convert it :

  • Sales of applications
  • Add-on’s sales
  • Advertisements in apps
  • In app purchases
  • Internet sites
  • Advertisements in our ecosystem
    • Employees development progress
    • Employees portfolios
    • Documentation sites
  • Source code sales
  • Maintenance and support
  • Donations for open source apps and tools
  • Investments to speed the development in specific areas

Karma and Creds in ReUse Inc

So let’s get to rewards and profits in ReUse Inc for every collaborator.

Initially volunteers are training on open source projects, available freely to the community.

For a successful completion of work items they get special Karma points, that are not used in value shares – this is an indicator of employee getting trained and ready for expert works for some real reward.

Once a participant get a specified amount of Karma points limit, he is automatically promoted from to volunteer to contributor with the ability to involve in valued areas that require approved qualification.

When a participant is contributing to the valued areas they get a share points – Creds.

This Creds are accounted for share distribution in accounting periods and associate value share part.

Rates in ReUse Inc

So let’s define some clear rates in ReUse Inc to share the value in case if everything will work fine.

At first there will be only promoters and coders, that’s why we’ll start with them.

As a basis we will operate with basic hours related amounts of work with average qualified efficiency.

So to rate software specialists who produce code lets define as a unit of work just a standard “screen/page” of ready to use code (without comments), provided that code is distributed normally (let’s say it is ~ a standard Word page with 11 font with no special empty spaces).

To rate a promoters we will operate with 1000 unique users clicks to the promoted resource, that is conversed to purchases and advertisement with about 1-3% efficiency.

An average coder will create a page of code for about 2-3 hours of work.

A common standard link gives you about 20-30 unique clicks, so a promoter will need to place 30-50 links to get 1000 clicks, that will take about the same amount of time.

Initial structure of ReUse Inc

At first in ReUse Inc we will need to recruit some volunteers to gain some initial value.

Basically we will need these functions :

  • promoters
  • recruiters
  • producers
  • documentation

Later there will be sales, accounting and quality control.

Here is a detailed list of first stage involved roles :

  • software specialists
    • developers
      • frameworks
      • apps
    • installations managers
    • maintenance and support
  • designers
  • content managers
  • promoters
  • recruiters
  • languages support team
  • documentation